These machines require very little time to learn. I can get someone new to the machine and have them pick parts in five minutes.
We can integrate our vertical storage system to work seamlessly with any industry's best software such as automotive, healthcare, parts manufactures, and many other WMS, ERP and DMS databases.
Innomed was having problems with warehousing their inventory once it arrived from manufacturing. Instruments were stored on shelves, which occupied too much floor space. It was not only inefficient but also unsafe because employees had to climb ladders in order to access the stock.
All-in-one storage that is both efficient and secure. The cabinet's center is home to the computerized extractor. The storage shelves are either pans or shelves that are found in front of and behind the extractor. These are used to store materials or articles. Materials can be stored directly on pans or they can be set up with dividers or totes. The micro-processor controller can open the storage locations. The extractor retrieves or stores the pan at the touch of a button. Pans can be delivered to the operator in a comfortable, ergonomic position.
Modula's interface to our ERP system and Modula is my favorite feature. This allows for seamless transfers of clients orders to our operation team. It can make all the differences for our customers.
Modern e-commerce storage solutions should be flexible, efficient, secure, and safe.
Ideal Uses: Fulfillment and Order Processing, Kitting. Small Parts Management. Buffer Module to Distribute.
Modula products, made in America, are available from Modula dealers all over North America. They are eager to assist you in finding the best solutions for your needs.
For more than 60 years the name Gulf States Saw & Machinery Co. Inc has stood for high-quality products and innovative solutions for efficient intralogistics. Today we are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of automated vertical lift systems and storage carousels for both industrial and office applications.
Gulf States Saw & Machinery Co. Inc offers both floor space savings and productivity improvement. In many cases this equipment can reduce or even eliminate the need for a forklift. Every industry, customer, and application has its unique application challenges - ReSolve offers a broad solution base of automated storage and retrieval systems to best fit your process needs and to maximize your return on investment.
Vertical sterile supply storage can help your organization save valuable space and keep equipment clean. The cost optimization of hospital medical equipment and pharmaceutical drug manufacturers is a constant focus. This includes everything from supply chain logistics to manufacturing and maintenance.
I would recommend Modula to anybody in the automotive business, and any industry that needs inventory right at your hand. It is a no-brainer to have Modula and save on real estate.
All VLM picking operations and VLM users are monitored. Logins are tracked down and traced to specific trays. This allows operators to avoid picking the same goods from another warehouse operator. Modula's vertical storage units are easy to use and the advanced software makes it so that you don't have to worry about who, when and where.
Storage Cabinets - Save 65% on floor space with 15 square feet becoming 5 square feet. Completely modular system.
A carousel is a type of automated storage and retrieval device that rotates a series of shelving units along a track to bring warehouse items to an operator.
The vertical carousel's main advantage is that it uses unused vertical space, resulting in an extremely small footprint—ideal when floor space is limited. Positioning more than one unit together, as with horizontal carousels, reduces picker wait times.
A carousel storage system is a dynamic solution that brings stored items to the system operator by using vertically rotating shelves. The "goods to man" principle governs the operation of a carousel storage system.