Private Dolphin And Snorkeling Tours Cairns

Can you snorkel at Shell Island

The boat is a great place to snorkel and you don't pay any extra! Capri Suns will be provided onboard, as well as complimentary bottled waters. You are welcome to bring your own beverages, snacks, and BYOB.

You'll be able watch the dolphins up close with the help of your captain.

Private Dolphin And Snorkeling Tours Cairns

Captain Jack was phenomenal. He was extremely knowledgeable. He let us decide what was important and we selected dolphin sighting for the majority of time.”

Rent a pontoonboat and become your own guide! Our pontoon boats can be rented for guests who want to charter their own boat. We will mail you our Map, which includes the location of our preferred snorkeling locations, sandbars as well as common dolphin areas.

Private Dolphin And Snorkeling Tours Zanzibar

Captain Jack was a marvellous man. He was extremely knowledgeable. We were able to decide what was most important, and dolphin sightings were the preferred option for the majority.

Gabby's Dolphin Tours PCB provides guided snorkeling and swimming with dolphins in Panama City Beach, Florida. We can accommodate families, individuals, or groups of all sizes to ensure everyone has a chance to have this unforgettable experience.

Private Dolphin And Snorkeling Tours Zanzibar
Private Dolphin Tour Clearwater

Private Dolphin Tour Clearwater

“Captain Jack positioned us precisely at the moment to see the dolphins swam right underneath out feet, it was a very unique experience.“

What a great idea for spending a day! We took our 22-year-old son, along with his friends, out for half the day. The pontoonboat was wonderful as was the whole day. Rob was wonderful and everyone had an amazing time.

Private Dolphin And Snorkeling Tours To Molokini

For a maximum of 12, we can accommodate 13 boats. We can accommodate a maximum of 13 persons per boat. For a maximum of 12, we can arrange with local partners.

Gabby's Dolphin Tours PCB - Looking for the dolphin adventure you have always wanted? Gabby's Dolphin Tours PCB is the best for private charters, guided dolphin tours and much more. We are your guide as you explore the waters of Shell Island and Panama City Beach. We are looking forward to meeting with you!

Dolphin Watching
Dolphin Watching

The private dolphin tour lasts 2 hours. We reserve the boat only for you and your group. Coast Guard regulations say that the maximum number of passengers is 13. This includes infants and children.

"We had so many fun today swimming with the dolphins and snorkeling on Shell Island. I highly recommend this company. This was the highlight our vacation." - Christy


The captain will show you numerous options so you can get the most from your dolphin tour. One of the options is snorkeling in the grass flats on Shell Island or at the jetties. Enjoy a walk on sand to find starfish, crabs starsfish, fish & birds. This amazing eco tour is a great way to get out and about.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It's all worth it once you get there because the water is the most beautiful I've ever seen. The water is so clear that it feels like you're swimming in a pool. We had no idea what to expect, so we went with the intention of spending a few hours on the island. Come prepared to spend the entire day!

Dolphins, loggerhead turtles, green sea turtles, ghost crabs, beach mice, nine-banded armadillos, alligators that live in the island's lake, marsh rabbits, racoons, and other wildlife can be found on Shell Island.

Wear nothing but a swimsuit. Dolphins have extremely sensitive skin, and because you will be able to touch them during your interaction, we recommend that you refrain from wearing sunscreen, oils, or perfumes.