How much does full scuba gear cost

Scuba Dive Panama City Beach Webcam

So you feel more confident before you dive, take a look at our free list of diving resources, including downloads. Discover our top dive spots, as well as historical landmarks underwater.

Inshore diving is defined as less than 8 miles away from St Andrew's Pass. It is generally safe for open water divers. The Red Sea, a tugboat measuring 125 feet, was installed here in 2009. It is also home to the E. E. Simpson Tug, which sank in 1929. Stage 2 (a Navy platform, which was destroyed in 1984), Fontainebleau Boxcars (2 boxcars with associated reef material) and a pair Voodoo Jets anchoring in Seltzer Reef are other interesting locations. Below is a table listing inshore dive spots in Panama City Beach and their associated bottom depths.

How hard is scuba certification

St. Andrews State Park offers the best beach diving along the Emerald Coast. The channel side of the west jetties has a depth of 70 feet. In spots, the rocks also attract and keep a variety of sea creatures, such as octopus and red snapper. The best part about diving is when you catch an incoming tide.

How hard is scuba certification


Scuba Dive Panama City Beach, Florida's premier full-service Dive Center, is also an Aquatic Training Facility. The beautiful Panama City Beach location gives divers direct access to miles upon miles of white sand beaches and shipwrecks as well as freshwater springs and natural reefs. Our staff can help you prepare for anything, whether you are looking to swim with sharks or explore hidden relics below.

How much does it cost to scuba dive in Florida

Panama City Beach is a paradise for both divers as well as non-divers. You won't want to go to the beach or feel guilty for taking your family out to PCB while you dive. If your partner is certified, you can make a diving trip part of a romantic weekend in Panama City Beach.

Is Panama City good for diving

Is Panama City good for diving

Panama City Beach offers a safe haven for divers and snorkelers. You won't regret taking your family to PCB during your diving trip. Even if you and your partner are certified, it is possible to combine a diving trip with a romantic weekend in Panama City Beach.


Scuba Dive Panama City Beach is a great place to go for dives of all difficulty levels. They can provide the best experience whether you are looking for a couple's getaway, a family vacation or a solo adventure. Enjoy the excitement of diving to thrilling depths in expertly-selected locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Never hold your breath

As every good entry-level dive student knows, this is the most important rule of scuba. And for good reason — breath holding underwater can result in serious injury and even death. In accordance with Boyle's law, the air in a diver's lungs expands during ascent and contracts during descent.

As you become a qualified scuba diver, you learn the basics of an essential scuba system. A cylinder, weights, an exposure suit, regulators, BCD gauge and timing device, mask and fins are the bare essentials.