Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Board

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training System

I just want you to know that your online courses are top-notch. Every time that I log in, something is new. The incredible value that we receive from your website only increases when you go above an ordinary level to engage with our subscribers. We appreciate your time.

Sidemount PCB Diving courses are an excellent stand-alone course that technical divers can take if they want to improve their skills and proficiency with various gear configurations. This course can also be taught alongside any other open-circuit specialty courses offered by TDI, provided that all requirements and standards are met.

Steve, just wanted to thank you for your incredible online Sidemount PCB course. I did my PADI Sidemount PCB training last year but always felt like my XDeep harness setup wasn't streamlined where I wanted it. The instructor was good, but I could tell he did not live and breathe sidemount. At the time I had signed up with your free course system which was helpful but... read moreSteve, just wanted to thank you for your incredible online Sidemount PCB course. I did my PADI Sidemount PCB training last year but always felt like my XDeep harness setup wasn't streamlined where I wanted it. The instructor was good, but I could tell he did not live and breathe sidemount. At the time I had signed up with your free course system which was helpful but obviously left you wanting more. I am doing my Overhead Environment training this November in Florida and wanted to make sure my skills and setup were up to speed. After watching your entire online course (WOW). I decided to rebuild my XDeep harness setup using all your recommendations. I re-did my entire bungee system, my attachment points, wing, etc... all using your setup. I finally feel my setup is where it needs to be, and I felt very comfortable in the water. So again, thank you. Next is working on all my skills which are much easier to work on now that my harness is setup correctly. Wish I spent the money on your training a year ago. Take care and please keep the updates coming. Thanks, Jason read less

We can offer the SDI course if requested. However, we only offer the TDI course by default. This can be taken as a stand-alone program, but our students usually combine it with the Apprentice Cave Diver course.

Sidemount Instructor

Graduates may take part in sidemount diving activities after completing this course. However, they must adhere to the following restrictions:

We are grateful for your hard work. It is an enormous help to everyone who wants to get into Sidemount PCB. Your online resource helped me to prepare for a cave sidemount crossover course in Mexico with Natalie Gibb.

Sidemount Instructor


Sidemount diving is allowed after successful completion of the course. This is subject to the following restrictions:

If you're a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, at least 18 years old and have a minimum of 30 logged dives, you qualify to enroll in a Tec Sidemount PCB Diver course. It's recommended that you also have a PADI Enriched Air Diver certification.

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Board

Scuba Side Mount

Sidemount PCB Diving Classes are an essential course for technical divers who want to be more proficient in different gear configurations, regardless of whether they intend to use sidemount every day. You can take the course in conjunction with any of TDI’s open-circuit specialty courses provided you meet all prerequisites.

You should not use sidemount in your cave diver training. Our CDS Basics Orientation class is what you need.

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training X-plane
Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training X-plane

The shift from sidemounting to backmounted doubles has been one of the biggest changes in equipment cave divers have seen since the turn of the century. A large number of cave divers sidemount. Additionally, there may be more sidemount cave divers than open-circuit backmount cave divers.

Steve, my pleasure! I enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials training in Gozo. I can't think of anything better. It was so much of a lot of fun. Your passion and knowledge are truly amazing. You pay attention even to the smallest details, and you strive to make things better. I also enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials program in Gozo. I doubt that I will ever spend more money on something better. It was so much of a lot of fun. It's amazing to see the dedication and your experience. You are attentive to even the smallest details and always strive to make things better. I love your enthusiasm for capturing details, new equipment, tips, etc. These can be added to future videos. Your online training videos, I must say, are amazing. They prepare you for all the necessary information during in-water training. In fact, I believe this is the key to the steep learning curve. The time spent underwater can be utilized efficiently. Steve, we are grateful for your efforts! Nils, Cheers


Sidemount has never been something I tried before. However, from watching his online video training, it became clear that Steve was the ideal man to show me how and give me confidence about sidemount. It was an amazing experience, and I didn't regret it! It was truly life-altering! Sidemountpcb Essentials exceeded my expectations. Steve is a great teacher, has patience, and... I was absolutely right! It was truly life-changing! Sidemount PCB Essentials was beyond my expectations. Steve is an excellent teacher. He's patient, hardworking and puts in a lot to every lesson he gives. Everything is planned and done with great attention to detail. It was an unforgettable and enjoyable experience. Sidemount PCB Essentials Course completely transformed my diving. In such a short amount of time, my awareness level and skills were higher than I could have ever imagined. Everything is in place, including the harness setup, the weight amount, position, the cylinder trim, as well as your balance in and out of water. This will make you feel calm, confident, and allow you to experience sidemount setups that are truly comfortable. The course was difficult but enjoyable. Every day started with a planning session. Each day ends with a video review and discussion about the drills we performed in the water. The learning curve is high because we had a tendency to drain our cylinders whenever we were in the water. Everything was done in a relaxed atmosphere, with great professionalism. Steve will make this course easy for you. Steve will help to make you a better diver! read less

Sidemount PCB is a great option for cave diving, as it can offer many benefits to divers. Sidemount PCB was invented by cave divers. These are just a few of the many benefits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

PADI Adventure Diver is a subset of PADI Advanced Open Water Diver. Have you ever considered trying your hand at digital underwater photography, fish identification, or dry suit diving? During this program, you can participate in a variety of scuba adventures.

What exactly is the Tec 40 Course? Your first step into technical diving is the PADI Tec 40 course. It is a fundamental level of decompression diving that allows you to dive with gas redundancy, higher Enriched Air mixes of up to 50%, decompression on EANX 50% for conservatism, and up to 10 minutes of decompression.

5-6 days
Rebreather training classes are typically 5-6 days long, but can be longer depending on a variety of factors such as the training agency, your local conditions, your instructor, and your ability to meet the class standards.