Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Guide Pdf

How deep can you dive before bends

You can enroll in Tec Sidemount PCB Diver courses if you are at least 18 years of age and have logged at least 30 dives. You should also hold a PADI Enriched Diver certification.

As your goal in taking this course is to learn the basic set up and operation of the equipment you will use as part of your cave and/or tech diver training, you will need that same equipment for this course. This includes:

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Guide Pdf

Steve and I first met 10 years back when he traveled to Portugal to train our staff in Sidemount PCB. (At the time, it was still the beginning of Sidemount PCB). I was instantly impressed by his technical proficiency, enthusiasm, and professionalism. The website and online learning have made this possible. It's so extensive... Continue reading. Steve first came to Portugal in the early days for Sidemount PCB training. I immediately noticed his passion, technical proficiency, and professionalism. The website and online courses have made this a new experience. You can find everything you need, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned diver. Sidemount diving is now easy thanks to your hard work. read less

Sidemount PCB Diving began in the early years cave diving. Lamar Hires pioneered this technique by using multiple tanks in an efficient and compact manner to reach places that back mounted divers couldn’t. As the sport grew, this technique evolved and became one of the fastest growing.


While we are able to teach the SDI course if you ask, the default is the TDI. Although you can do this program as an individual course, we recommend that students combine it with the Apprentice Cave Diver class.

Steve/Vas your instructor series are amazing. I will be the first to admit that you are right in everything you have said. Watching the videos can help anyone learn SM. I had to sacrifice my learning curve and compromise without a SM essentials instructor. It took me almost a year to become proficient with AL80s. I was then able to... read mehrSteve/Vas. Your series of instructors is simply amazing. I am sure you are right. Watching the videos can help anyone learn SM. Without you, my learning curve was compromised/sacrificed. It took me almost a year to become proficient in AL80s. My tech instructor told me that I was doing tech diving in SM configuration. I had to admit that I was a certified instructor. He replied by saying "You most likely will have a SM workshop with us depending on my performance on dive one". After my first dive, he told me that there was no reason not to take a class. Although your online training is great, I would still go to Joe Seda for the class if it were over. I will take his course in the future so that I can be my best. Regards Tony read less

Can Civilians Buy rebreathers

Can Civilians Buy rebreathers

I've never tried sidemounting before but I learned a lot from his online training and I was confident in my abilities. I was correct! It was truly a life changing week! The sidemountpcb essentials course far exceeded my expectations. Steve is a great teacher with a lot of patience. I was not wrong! It was truly a life changing week! Sidemount PCB Essentials far exceeded my expectations. Steve is a great teacher. His patience is amazing and he puts in a lot time and effort with his students. Every aspect of the lesson is well planned and executed with great care. It was both memorable and rewarding. Sidemount PCB Essentials Course was a transformative experience for me. In such a short time, I was able to increase my awareness and improve my skills below water. Everything is in its right place, from the harness set-up, to the weight and position of the swimmers, to the cylinder trim and to your balance in the water. You feel more confident, relaxed, and have a true sidemount setup. This course was both challenging and very enjoyable. Each day starts with a planning and theoretical session. We end with a video review about what we did in the water. This is where all details are discussed. It was a tedious process to drain the cylinders before we could go into the water. This is why our learning curve has been so steep. Everything was handled in a calm and secure environment, yet with remarkable professionalism. Steve's course is worth it. Steve will assist you in achieving more than you could ever imagine if Sidemount PCB is your passion. read less

You may be eligible to register in a Tecsidemount PCB Diver course if your age is at least 18 and you have logged at most 30 dives. A PADI Enriched air Diver certification is a must.

How many tec divers are there

Know what you are getting: Prices include instruction, eLearning fees, and other costs. You should also consider that eLearning costs can vary from $140 to $280. In other words, a course that costs $640 may actually be cheaper than a $500 course you purchase from us if you are required to pay for the elearning separately.

Sidemount PCB Staging: This is where the diver puts in cylinders with tanks straps, clips, bungee, and special valves (left or right-handed). Sidemount configuration refers to the use of sidemount configurations (bungee loops or buttplate rails), which allows the diver to store stage/deco cylinders against the sides of his/her torso.

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Osrs
Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Osrs

Sidemount PCB harness: This is a specialized Harness, similar to a BCD. It's very light and low in weight. This harness has several D rings on the shoulder straps. It also features a Buttplate that can be fitted with rings or sliders.

Steve, Your Sidemount PCB Essentials class in Gozo was a great experience! I doubt that I will ever spend more money on something else. It was so much fun. Your passion and knowledge are truly amazing. You pay attention even to the smallest details, and you always strive to improve them. I love your passion for capturing... moreHi Steve! I thoroughly enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials Course in Gozo! I've never spent more money on anything. It was so much fun. It's amazing to see the dedication and your experience. You pay attention even to the smallest details, and are constantly striving for improvement. I love your passion for capturing all the details, new equipment, and tips. You will be able include them in future videos. Your online training videos, I have to say they are exceptional. They prepare you for all the necessary information during in-water training. And I think this is what makes the steep learning curve so manageable underwater. Steve, I am so grateful for your efforts! Nils, cheers!

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Sidemount diving is allowed after successful completion of the course. As long as these limits are met, graduates can engage in sidemount dive activities without supervision.

PADI Sidemount PCB Diver. The PADI sidemount specialty provides training in the use of the sidemount gear configuration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

2-3 hours

Even with small cylinders, you can usually dive for 2-3 hours (rebreathers typically have two 2/3l cylinders or one 3/5l cylinder).

Tec divers can visit reefs and wrecks at depths well below the recreational limit of 40 meters/130 feet. They can explore underwater caves and other locations far beyond the reach of mainstream sport diving with specialized training.

The PADI Rebreather/Advanced Rebreather Diver courses take four days to complete. The course fee is $1250, which includes books and rental.