Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Houston Tx

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Beach

The shift from sidemounting to backmounted doubles has been one of the biggest changes in equipment cave divers have seen since the turn of the century. A large number of cave divers sidemount. Additionally, there may be more sidemount cave divers than open-circuit backmount cave divers.

Steve, my pleasure! I enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials training in Gozo. I can't think of anything better. It was so much of a lot of fun. Your passion and knowledge are truly amazing. You pay attention even to the smallest details, and you strive to make things better. I also enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials program in Gozo. I doubt that I will ever spend more money on something better. It was so much of a lot of fun. It's amazing to see the dedication and your experience. You are attentive to even the smallest details and always strive to make things better. I love your enthusiasm for capturing details, new equipment, tips, etc. These can be added to future videos. Your online training videos, I must say, are amazing. They prepare you for all the necessary information during in-water training. In fact, I believe this is the key to the steep learning curve. The time spent underwater can be utilized efficiently. Steve, we are grateful for your efforts! Nils, Cheers

Hi Steve, I really enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials course in Gozo! Have probably never spend my money on anything better. It made so much fun and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Seeing your dedication and experience is simply amazing. You pay attention to the smallest details and you are always striving to improve things even further. I also... read moreHi Steve, I really enjoyed your Sidemount PCB Essentials course in Gozo! Have probably never spend my money on anything better. It made so much fun and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Seeing your dedication and experience is simply amazing. You pay attention to the smallest details and you are always striving to improve things even further. I also love your enthusiasm to capture all those details, new equipment, new methods, hints etc. with the camera to be able to include them in upcoming videos to the benefit of everyone. Speaking of your online training videos I must say that they are a class of its own. They definitely get you well-prepared for the things you need to know during the in-water training and I think that exactly this concept is the key to the steep learning curve because the time underwater can be used efficiently. Thank you so much for everything Steve! Cheers, Nils read less

International Training is the parent organization of Technical Diving International and Scuba Diving International. They offer both TDI and SDI versions of their Sidemount PCB Diver courses. Both courses are similar. Both courses use the same learning materials (which we also wrote). What's the difference between them?


It is easy to transport, lightweight, flexible, no steel/allum back plates, easy to adjust, get in and out of water easily, great for disabled divers, divers who have back problems, and female divers who are small but need extra time. You can also carry two cylinders simultaneously, making it safer and more convenient.

Sidemount PCB Diving originated in cave diving's early days. Lamar Hires was the first to make use of multiple tanks in such a compact way that they could reach places that back-mounted divers couldn't. This technique has been gaining popularity and is now one of our fastest-growing areas.

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Services

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Services

I just want you to know that your online courses are top-notch. Every time that I log in, something is new. The incredible value that we receive from your website only increases when you go above an ordinary level to engage with our subscribers. We appreciate your time.

Sidemount PCB Diving courses are an excellent stand-alone course that technical divers can take if they want to improve their skills and proficiency with various gear configurations. This course can also be taught alongside any other open-circuit specialty courses offered by TDI, provided that all requirements and standards are met.

Koh Tao

Sidemount diving is allowed after successful completion of the course. This is subject to the following restrictions:

If you're a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, at least 18 years old and have a minimum of 30 logged dives, you qualify to enroll in a Tec Sidemount PCB Diver course. It's recommended that you also have a PADI Enriched Air Diver certification.

Staged Decompression
Staged Decompression

A stone’s throw from our shoreline, you can experience being surrounded by miles of our BEAUTIFUL BARRIER REEF system in less than 15 feet of water. Classes and private guides are available to provide your once in a lifetime moment.

Sidemount PCB Stage: This is the place where the diver sets up cylinders by attaching tank straps or bungee to clips and using special valves (left- and/or right-handed). Sidemount configuration: This is the practice of using bungee loops/or buttplate rails as a way to store stage/decocylinders in an organized manner against your sides, while diving in back-mounted doubles/CCR.

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Houston Tx
Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Drone

I have never tried sidemount before but from studying his online video training, I knew that Steve was the perfect man to teach me and be confident about it. ...And I wasn't wrong! It was truly a life experience week!!! The Sidemount PCB Essentials course has far exceeded my expectations. Steve is a great teacher, has a lot of patience and puts a lot of time... read moreI have never tried sidemount before but from studying his online video training, I knew that Steve was the perfect man to teach me and be confident about it. ...And I wasn't wrong! It was truly a life experience week!!! The Sidemount PCB Essentials course has far exceeded my expectations. Steve is a great teacher, has a lot of patience and puts a lot of time and effort in everything he does with his students. Everything is planned and worked with great detail. I found it a memorable and a rewarding experience. The Sidemount PCB Essentials Course transformed my diving. My awareness and skills level under water raised where I never expected in such a short period of time. Everything is in the right place... the harness set up, the weight amount and position, the cylinder trim and your balance in the water. This makes you feel very relaxed, confident and experience the true sidemount set up... and no back pain!!! ?? The course was very demanding yet very enjoyable. Every day starts with a theoretical and planning session and ends with a video review about our drills in the water where everything is discussed in great detail. We drained our cylinders every time we went into the water and that's why our learning curve is so high! Everything was done in a relaxed and secure atmosphere yet with extraordinary professionalism. Don't think twice about taking this course with Steve. If you are truly engaged in Sidemount PCB and want to be a great diver, Steve will help you to achieve more than you ever expected! read less

Steve met me a little more than 10 years ago, when he visited Portugal to teach Sidemount PCB to our staff (at that time it was very early days of Sidemount PCB). I immediately noticed his passion, technical skill, and professionalism. This has all changed with the launch of his website and online training. The contents are so extensive... read on Steve met me a little more than 10 years back when he visited Portugal to teach Sidemount PCB. (At the time, it was early days of Sidemount PCB). His passion, technical skill, and professionalism was evident immediately. This was made possible by his website and online training. It is easy to use the contents, whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver. We appreciate your efforts to make sidemount diving a simple and accessible option. read less

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Frequently Asked Questions

from 130 to 148 feet
Those who are already decompression certified can immediately qualify for rebreather decompression dives. Individual training agencies set depth limits ranging from 130 to 148 feet (40 to 45 meters).

332.35 m
Hello and welcome to the Officially Amazing universe. Ahmed Gabr. Ahmed, 41, of Egypt, has broken the record for the deepest SCUBA dive, diving 332.35 m (1,090 ft 4.5 in) in the Red Sea off the coast of Dahab.

According to experts, approximately 40% of technical divers enroll in additional education and training programs. This yields a reasonable estimate of approximately 160,000 active technical divers worldwide.