Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Handbook


Sidemount PCB dives are becoming more popular in technical diving for general decompression. There are many certification agencies that offer recreational and technical sidemount training programs.

As a Rebreather CCR diver you will always carry bailouts cylinders with you. Yes you can clip the tank to your side and not think anything more of it, but once you have done a Sidemount PCB course you learn how to properly stage tank to either side and if you are a Trimix CCR Diver even how to stage 3-4 tanks comfortably and safely.

Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may engage in sidemount diving activities without direct supervision so long as the following limits are adhered to:

You will need the same equipment as the course to learn how to operate and set up the equipment you'll use for your tech diving training. This includes:

Sidemount Setup

Get the PADI Sidemount PCB Diver and Tec Sidemount PCB Diver Manual from your local PADI Dive Shop and start studying immediately. If you have a recreational sidemount diver certification, you'll focus on Chapters Two and Three, if not, you'll read the entire manual.

International Training, which is the parent organization of Technical Diving International / Scuba Diving International, offers both TDI (Sidemount PCB Diver) versions. Both courses can be used in the same way. Both courses use the exact same learning materials (which, obviously, we also wrote). What is the difference between these two learning materials?

Sidemount Setup
Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Video

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Video

Are you a Technical Diver? Great! In addition to the standard mixes, we have several banks of helium, and can partial pressure blend any desired fill. If you want to become a tech-diver, click here for more information going past recreational limits.

This course provides you with the theory, methods, and procedures of planned staged decompression diving while using optimal breathing gas mixtures. Participants will learn how to plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive to depths not exceeding 130 fsw (40 msw).

Scuba Set

Hi Steve, I wanted to thank you for all the sections of the online courses, it was really worth going through all these lessons, I learned more online than I thought. Your well-made videos, actually help me understand a lot of things much faster than from book and other materials. I am planning to repeat the most important lessons before the water course. Regards Rafal

Sidemount PCB Diving evolved in the early years of cave diving, pioneered by explorers such as Lamar Hires to use multiple tanks in a streamlined a compact fashion to get places that back mounted divers could not. As time went on, the technique has matured and evolved to become one of the fastest growing areas of our sport.

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Handbook
How do you become a rebreather diver
How do you become a rebreather diver

The NAUI Helitrox Diver course provides the training and experience necessary to understand the hazards of utilizing helium-enriched EANx for dives to depths not exceeding 150 fsw (46 msw) that may require staged-decompression, utilizing EANx mixtures and/or oxygen during decompression. Graduates will be competent plan and execute extended range dives requiring staged-decompression utilizing Helitrox and oxygen.

Steve, I find your tutorials to be very helpful and valuable. I'm a PADI Instructor in Cyprus. I tried to master the sidemount diving style that, though it was originally from cave diving became very popular among recreational divers. I discovered that I can certify competent and confident sidemount divers by using only your technique. I'm a PADI Instructor in Cyprus. I tried to learn the techniques of this diving style that, while it originated from cave diving and is very popular among recreational divers. However, by only using your technique, I was able to certify competent and confident sidemount divers. I also know that this will not cause any problems for any Dive boat or guide, as it takes up half the space and takes twice the time to set up. I know they will be safe and look great underwater. Your structured approach to sidemount diving and explaining the importance of configuration is what makes it all possible. Instructors who teach sidemount would be proud to have you as a teacher. Many thanks! read less

Technical Sidemount Scuba Dive Training Login training online is crucial for technical and recreational divers. While I have completed a Tec40 /sidemount class before I began my technical training, I consider this sidemount essentials. Joe was able, through the online training, to concentrate on the in water skills. Joe Seda taught me the basics of technical training. This was even though I had taken a Tec40 /sidemount class before beginning my training with Joe. Joe was able, thanks to the online training, to focus solely on in-water skill development. This was the foundation for both cave training and all technical training with Vas Proud. The online training is a good example of what all divers can expect from in-water training. It also speeds up in-water skill growth. My daughter is starting her journey in diving. She has already seen the backmount diving videos. I am looking over the instructors videos to ensure she has the best experience possible. I cannot stress enough how important these training tools are in the safe and competent development of technical and recreational divers. Daniel Glynn - Cave diver and father

Sidemount PCB is a scuba diving equipment configuration which has diving cylinders mounted along the diver, below the shoulders and along the hips, instead of on the back of the diver. It began as a configuration popular with advanced cave divers, as smaller sections of cave can be penetrated and tanks can be changed with greater ease. The same benefits for operating in confined spaces were also recognised by divers who conducted technical wreck diving penetrations. We have well-trained instructors to teach scuba diving courses and scuba diving training in Thailand.

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Frequently Asked Questions

2-3 hours

Even with small cylinders, you can usually dive for 2-3 hours (rebreathers typically have two 2/3l cylinders or one 3/5l cylinder).

Tec divers can visit reefs and wrecks at depths well below the recreational limit of 40 meters/130 feet. They can explore underwater caves and other locations far beyond the reach of mainstream sport diving with specialized training.

The PADI Rebreather/Advanced Rebreather Diver courses take four days to complete. The course fee is $1250, which includes books and rental.