Your new Piranha Press Brake will only have a small amount of data. It is easy to add any material into the database. You will need a material certificate from your source listing the material's tensile strength.
The CNC control hydraulic press brakes allow users to tackle any project with precision and speed. These machines are capable of handling the most difficult jobs with utmost precision. You can store additional programs on a removable USB flash drive. Other important features include:
Customers are required to assist with troubleshooting over the telephone if there is a problem. Standard will send a technician to your home at no cost during the 5-year warranty if all other attempts have failed.
Press brakes were limited to making bends using one axis. They were more limited than modern machines that can program 12 or more movement axes. Modern press brakes have high precision and produce graphical representations to aid the operator. Setup time is significantly reduced with newer computers. They can quickly calculate the optimal settings according to materials, dimensions, and the desired result. These calculations were once done manually.
Bottom bending refers to the way the punch bends the metal sheet. It uses a greater force (3 to 5-times greater than airbending) and reduces or completely eliminates the spring back effect of air bending. This process involves air bending followed by cold forging at bottom of V.
This dual-drive hybrid makes short work of any project with long-term, high-speed, energy-efficient operation.
A crowning unit may be appropriate for some applications, such a multiple-die set that is used in one stroke.
Searching for the perfect blend of serious bending power and cost-efficient operation that doesn’t sacrifice quality or output?
Standard is supported and assisted by an expanding group of industry professionals. This includes experienced application engineers as well as product specialists and sales consultants. JMT also offers a tooling and parts department that will ensure your machines are running at maximum performance.
Standard Industrial Press Brakes are suitable for any size facility. Standard Industrial Press Brakes are great for smaller, budget-conscious facilities that perform piece work over three shifts per day. Standard Press brakes can also be used by product manufacturers who require reliable, low-maintenance machines with minimal downtime.
We have press brakes that will help you streamline your workflow, increase production speed, optimize energy consumption, and reduce operating expenses. Our presses can hold 40- to 2,000-ton capacities and have anywhere from 3 to 11 axes. These include tool layout, back gauge editing, collision check and DiamondSoft(r), which includes auto tooling.
Standard Industrial offers a range of CNC gauging, including a simple, single-line display, user-friendly controls and state-of-the-art 2D and 3-D modeling. The press brake does not come standard with any backgauge or CNC control. You can find a complete range of systems in our separate CNC Controls and Gauging catalog.
The torque tube brake is another variant of the dual-cylinder machine. It has two cylinders that generate half the machine's total tonnage. Torque tube brakes don't generate full tonnage throughout the brake bed; they only produce full tonnage at the brake center. Torque tube brakes pull tonnage from each of the cylinders, which can lead to distortion due to off-center loading and full length bends. Standard Industrial single-cylinder brakes do not require balancing between cylinders. There are no complex hydraulic systems that compensate for each cylinder's weaknesses. A single cylinder can provide full tonnage on the brake, so you can achieve a repeat accuracy of +/ *.001' regardless of where you work.
Our CNC control hydraulic brakes provide users with the ability of tackling any project with precision speed and volume. These machines can handle even the most complex jobs with great detail. A removable USB drive can be used to store more programs. The following are key features:
Diamonds don't last forever. They can become lost, can be fried in an oven, or can be crushed to smithereens by a hydraulic press.
A hydraulic press can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $5 million depending on its capabilities and age.
If your brake pedal sinks to the floor, it could be a problem in the brake master cylinder. Either way, it is important to perform a thorough assessment. Once the problem is diagnosed, you can proceed with the repair.
The press brake can do tasks that would normally fall to special machines. For example, press brakes can form rods or tubes from raw materials not usually associated with sheet metal benders. You can also use press brakes to attach various types of press-fit hardware to sheet metal parts.
The press brake is, in reality, one of the most difficult machines to master in the trade. Every sheet metal operation needs to bend.