Gulf States Saw & Machine. Co. offers a wide selection of hydraulic presses to meet the specific needs of every business we serve. Our press brakes can be adjusted to any length bed, with either CNC or manual controls. They are available in sizes ranging from 22 tons to 440tons and bed lengths ranging from 4' up to 13'. We are also able to accept custom orders, including length and tonnage requests. All our press brakes are equipped with safety devices, and a rear safety box that deactivates the machine when it is opened. This prevents any unauthorised maintenance. All electrical components are constructed using industry-standard parts. These parts can be readily found in our Memphis TN warehouse. You can download the pdf to see more details about each model.
Hydraulic press brakes use hydraulic pressure to push the ram down instead of relying on mechanics. They can have multiple cylinders, which gives the operator greater control over the bend. This results in a bend that is highly customizable and precise. Hydraulic press brakes have certain disadvantages. They cannot exceed their rated tonnage. Mechanical press brakes are a good choice if your project is flexible.
"The accuracy is amazing and the repeatability are excellent. Five days running a job, I saw no difference between the first and last parts bent on day one. The same thing happened on day five. This plus the faster setup time translate to higher profitability.
Press brakes are used in sheet metal work and production plants in many fields, such as the automotive and aeronautic sectors.
These heavy-duty materials will be controlled by a CNC controller. The arms move in a circular arc that follows the part being formed. This is lightweight and precise. This system provides assistance for your operator and improves the quality of bend.
Standard Industrial press brakes can handle full tonnage for the entire stroke, the length of the bed, and the entire length the ram. Standard Industrial press brakes are more repeatable than dual cylinder brakes, which require complex hydraulic systems to balance their tonsnage. The labor required to maintain press brakes from competitors is extensive. For parts and labor they cannot get from a manufacturer, businesses pay exorbitant rates. Click here to find out the secrets behind Standard Industrial's Guidance Hydraulic Press Brake System / 3-Point Gibbing
Gulf States Saw & Machine. Co is a member of the American Welding Society and NOMMA (National Ornamental & Miscellaneous Metals Association).
There are many options, but we won't be able to list them all. If you don't find what you need, ask us. Safety is our top priority. The AKAS-LC laser safety system is considered the best for a press brake. Combination machines require light curtain sick C 4000. Additional axis available up to 14. Extended travel back gauge up to 39 inches with safety curtain. Motorized height adjustment for sheet follower. Delem (DA69T), Cybelec (10S-12S,15S), 3D with PC1200) updated cnc controllers Quick release clamping and hydraulic clamping, Wila Wilson mechanical or hydraulic clamping. Tooling options from the "who’s who" in press brake tooling. Positioning systems for bottom tools, thickness measurement systems, and offline software for Profile-W or V-Bend.
This revolutionary tool changer gives press brake operators real-time information to help them perform better.
Bottom bending uses a punch to bend the metal sheet at a high rate (3 to 5 times more than airbending), which reduces or eliminates the springback effect common with airbending. The process starts with air bending, and then goes on to cold forging at the bottom.
A Mitsubishi automatic tool changer (ATC), fitted to a press brake, stands out in many ways.
A press brake machine tool is used to bend steel parts and sheets upto 20mm thick. It includes a U/V-shaped die or a punch, depending on what shape you want. The material is put on the die. The punch then presses the sheet into the desired shape.
You must therefore adjust the bending angle according to the metal spring back and calculate the margin. As such, for a 90° bend, the punch must go down to 85° for example.
A press brake fitted with a Mitsubishi automatic tool changer (ATC) stands out in all kinds of ways.
4. Choose the correct upper and lower dies for your press brake toolings based on the sheet metal hardness, thickness, length, and other factors. The slot width of the lower den should be between 5-6 times and 6-8 times the thickness of a metal plate. The sheet should have a longer length.
Crowning is the method by which press brakes correct for deflections in both the upper beam or lower bed when pressure applies. There are different methods, depending on the model and make of the press brake.
The most common reason for a soft/spongy pedal is air in the brake lines. Breathing in air can cause the brake pedal to feel soft or spongy. If your brakes feel spongy or soft, it is time to flush or change the brake fluid.
Poor hydraulic performance can be caused by particulate contamination, water contamination and clogged filters.
The CNC Press Brake is fast to set up and has a repeatability of +/–0.0004 inches. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to make parts.