Gulf States Saw & Machine has the right tools for you, whether you need precise computer-controlled measurement or simple, no-nonsense bends. Co offers hydraulic press brakes of varying sizes in two excellent options. All at an affordable price. For a quote on a machine, contact our team today.
These machines have industry-leading production capacities and are equipped with intuitive operator controls, which take the stress out for any operator.
The machine will now run at constant speed. This makes aligning beams and loading and unloading tools easier.
No matter your bending need, our BH Series is there to help.
A press brake is a machine tool used for bending metal parts and sheets up to 20 mm thick. It is composed of a V-shaped or U-shaped die (depending on the desired bending shape) and a punch. The material to be bent is placed on the die and pressed by the punch which then bends the sheet to the selected degree.
An automatic lubrication machine is an air-operated and timed system that adds grease to all lubrication points, except backgauge screws. This feature is ideal for multiple shift operations. All press brakes have a standard manifold-central lubrication mechanism.
Single Cylinder Press Brake And WhHigh-speed hydraulics packages can enhance press brakes to increase productivity. A system's oil cooler maintains proper temperature and increases system life expectancy. For custom systems, or for systems that meet your specific needs, please contact us.
Standard press brakes have the reliability and dependability that your operation requires. A user-friendly interface and controls provide an unbeatable level of convenience. Our press brakes can handle many materials, including soft Brass, heat-treated Aluminum Alloys, stainless Steel, soft Aluminium, and chrome molybdenum.
Many press brakes can only be used in the middle of the press. Standard Industrial press brakes are designed to handle large amounts of force near the ends.
Press brakes are machines that can form sheets of steel. These sheets can be used in manufacturing and industrial applications or as components of other devices. Most press brakes' bending length and pressability are the determining factors. They are usually rated in terms of their pressure per inch (or total PPI) or their metal-pressing capacity. They come in many types and are often equipped with add-ons or tooling to make highly customized components. There are two main types: hydraulic or mechanical press brakes. We'll discuss the differences in each style and the most notable features.
Standard Industrial offers a variety of CNC gauging options, from simple single-line displays to advanced 3D modeling systems. A press brake is not included as standard equipment. For a complete list of systems, please refer to the separate CNC Controls and Gauging Catalog.
Hydraulic presses brakes exert pressure through hydraulics to lower the ram, and not rely on mechanics. They may be equipped with more than one piston, which allows for more precise control of the bend. This allows for a very precise and custom-made bend. There are some drawbacks to hydraulic press brakes. Hydraulic press brakes can only be used within the limits of their rated weight. For projects that require flexibility, mechanical presses brakes might be preferable.
Although there are many options available, this list is not exhaustive. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask. Safety is paramount. The AKASLC, a world-class laser safety device, is at the top of our options. It is considered to be one of the best presses brakes. Light curtain Sick C4000 for combination machines. Additional axis to accommodate upto 14. With safety light curtain, extended travel back gauge can reach 39 inches Motorized height adjustment on sheet follower. Delem's DA69T or Cybelec's (10S,12S.15S,15S,3D with PC1200) are the latest cnc control controllers. Quick release clamping. Positioning systems at the bottom, thickness measurement, offline software for ProfileW and V-Bend.
It is a unique technology that allows press brake operators of all skill levels to produce high quality, efficient results.
Hydraulic presses brakes can be used to bend or fold metal by pressing it into dies. These presses can be used for both sheet metal work and continuous production. These presses can handle difficult industrial production jobs, from single-cycle operations to automated components.
Hydraulic brakes are more efficient than mechanical disc brakes. This means that you will need to apply less pressure to the lever for equal braking power. This allows for better modulation.
To pump hydraulic fluid into the system, pressure is applied by hand. The pressure is transferred to another area, and the resultant force can reach 25 tons.
When you travel at a decent speed, the first brake is used. If you need to stop your car or your car's speed reaches the lowest gear, you will need to use your brakes to prevent it from stalling.
Three main CNC-controlled axes are located at the top of a modern CNC press brake. These include the control over the bending and back gauges, as well as the control of various productivity options.