Ocean Avenger

Cnc Beam Line

Voortman built the CNC Drill Line only for GSS Machinery. Voortman manages the installation, warranty, service and maintenance of the CNC Drill Line. Voortman is the service provider. GSS Machinery is available to help if needed.

The ability to mill quickly speeds up project completion. With the Advantage-2 user-friendly Raptor 3DCAD/CAM program, it is possible to quickly program parts. Directly access the 3D platform to view, modify and export information. Advantage-2 drills are known for their scribing capabilities, the ability of milling slots and large lifting holes, and they also have the ability to trace. This is what really sets this machine apart. You can create layout lines, piece marks, and central points with the scribing. This flexibility has allowed us to use the scribing when we need it and make our own decisions.

Voortman's service technician will finish calibrating your machine and spend time with you, your operators. He will then take them through our easy-to-understand training program. You will receive instruction in:

Voortman proudly supports our global clientele with technical support that is available 24 hours a days. Voortman's staff are highly skilled in all aspects of the service industry, including assembly and factory checkout. They have extensive experience with almost all machines. Voortman’s service staff is always there for you, and they have the knowledge to resolve any problems that arise.

Advantage-2 Cnc Beam

Advantage-2 Cnc Beam

Voortman has designed the CNC Drill Line exclusively for GSS Machinery. Voortman is responsible for the installation, warranty, and service of the CNC Drill Line. Voortman handles the installation, warranty and service work on the CNC Drill Line. However, GSS Machinery is always available to assist if necessary.

Gulf States Saw & Machine Co has the fastest automated Drill Lines. We have a range of Drill Lines as well as Beam Drill Lines to meet your needs for quality labor and low costs.


To ensure smooth operation and low maintenance, our beam drill machine machines come with linear guides and central lubrication. A 4-station tool changer is included in each coordinate system. It allows it to drill/mill, scribe/counter sink or tap as necessary. The tools can also be changed easily mid-operation. An arm attached to the rack and pinion on the feed conveyor is used to position the beam while it passes through the drill. Our steel beam drill lines are much more accurate that friction roller machines.

The Advantage-2 CNC beam Drill Line is ideal for tandem installation with any Voortman's automatic sawing system. It features powerful material handling, precise measurement capabilities, and high speed design.


Machining Center

The CNC Beam Drill Line is a hit among small and medium fabricators, who can fabricate both structural steel as well as miscellaneous metals. The CNC Drill Line was first introduced in 2003 and has been used by more than 600 steel fabricators around the globe.

CNC Drill Lines can process beams and columns as well as all steel profiles including channel and angle, flat bar, base plate, RHS and square.

Cnc Beam Line
Can a pipe go through a beam

CNC Drill Line is able to import DXF files. It can then use these files to create 3-D shapes, provided that the steel has been detailed according to certain rules. These rules may not be applicable to your current detailing and might need some adjustments. This process is not as smooth as the 3-D modeling software.

The Advantage-2 CNC beam is a powerful tool for material handling and precision measurement. This machine can be used in tandem with any Voortman’s automatic sawing systems.


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What are the difference between T-beam and I beam

Based on the pricing at the various suppliers, we believe that the customer will be better off purchasing good quality Ocean Penetrator drill bits and a high quality sharpener.

Advantage-2 carbide drills are equipped with electronic ball screw feed spindle motors and an automatic tool changer technology. Combining these features with Voortman’s well-known build quality as well as mechanical design, the result is a combination that combines agility and strength.

Frequently Asked Questions

The beam drill line is important in large-sized structural fabrication shops. These machines are used to drill precise holes in beams, angles, or sections of bar stock. They can be quick and efficient at laying large structural members.

I beams are mainly made from steel and provide structural integrity with unwavering strength and support. I beam strength is more impressive in the transverse direction, and it can also withstand torsion. Steel can withstand heavy loads.

There are many types of beams. A universal beam is also known as an I beam. It is the most commonly used beam in steel structures. ... Hip beam. Trussed beam. ... Lattice beam. ... Composite beam. ... Chilled beam ... Reinforced concrete beam. ... Steel beam. Additional items

T Beam's disadvantages: Because the beam slab is monolithic (rigid), its resistance to lateral shear forces becomes very weak. (cracks develops quickly). This is why T beams are used for high-rise buildings in earthquake-prone areas.

The Flange of the L-beam, or the T-beam's slab that acts in unison with the beam to resist loads, is also known as the Flange of the Slab. The beam below the flange can be called Web or Rib. The T-beams support the slab, while the L-beams are the end beams.