Peddinghaus Cnc Beam Drill Line

Cnc Drill Line Calculator

I truly believe that without the support provided by the staff and personnel at GSS Machinery we would not be performing in the steel fabrication markets that we now enviably find ourselves competing in..�

The programming of the CNC Drill Line can be done even manually. Peddimat is the machine programming software and most operators can program most parts within less than an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. The best way to program the machine, however, is to import parts from a CAD drawing, preferably created in 3-D modeling software like ProSteel 3D or StruMis. These files can be imported directly into the machine. The operator simply selects the part and presses the Cycle Start button.

The Franklin HD145 (3) spindle CNC drill, with 44-inch width capacity. The HD-145 handles beams up to 750 lbs per foot. The hi-performance spindle design provides drilling capabilities up to 2,000 RPM. This rigid design provides extremely aggressive feed rates up to 300 surface feet per minute. The Franklin HD145 can be provided with several material handling packages from 300 lbs per foot, to 750 lbs per foot.

Voortman's 24/7 Tech Support Center can solve 90% of all support issues. But, 50+ Voortman Field Service personnel are available throughout North and South America and Europe, Africa, Asia and Russia.

Cnc Drill Line Machine Manufacturer

Cnc Drill Line Machine Manufacturer

We always train your operator how to run the machine using Peddimat as you are often going to have the situation where a customer arrives with a couple of pieces of steel that need holes or layout marks and you want to be able to produce them quickly without bothering your detailing staff who might be busy on a larger job.

The Advantage-2 CNC beam Drill Line is ideal for tandem installation with any Voortman's automatic sawing system. It features powerful material handling, precise measurement capabilities, and high speed design.


Voortman's CNC Beam Drill Lines can be included in a Drill Saw Line, or in larger fully-automated integrated production lines. This is also known as Multi System Integration. Learn more!

Material handling helps tie multiple CNC machines together and keep material flowing through a shop allowing fabricators to continually grow as their business expands. The Advantage-2 high-speed drill line alone processes up to 150 tons of steel on average per 40-hour workweek. The ideal drill line for small to large fabricators the world over. Full stop. The success of the steel industry is Voortman' top priority. That is why our service and support is unmatched. Request a demo, quote, visit or call to learn more about the toughest steel fabrication machinery in the world. This is Voortman and we are stronger than steel.


Cnc Drill Line North

We have been creating machines and solutions for steel fabricators for 50 years. As a result of the decreasing ability to find qualified labor and rising labor costs we focus on automation. This will allow you to lower your production costs and increase margins. Voortman's CNC Beam Drill Lines will ensure that you have the highest level of productivity, accuracy, and reliability. Our CNC Beam Drill Lines combine many functions such as drilling, marking, countersinking and thread-tapping to maximize productivity and automate your workflow. Voortman offers a complete line of Beam Drill Lines that can be used for any type of production.

AC Unit installed on Electrical Cabinet � The unit is mounted on cabinet's High Power side (480v). It is right next to the location of the drives. This allows the cabinet to maintain a stable temperature and heat dissipation to occur faster. The most important contributors of heat to the electrical cabinet are the servo drive for all axes.


Material handling is a way to tie together multiple CNC machines. It also keeps material flowing through a shop, which allows fabricators grow their businesses. The Advantage-2 high-speed drill machine can handle 150 tons of steel in an average 40-hour week. This is the ideal drill line for small- to large fabricators around the world. The end. Voortman places the success of steel industry as its top priority. We are proud of our unsurpassed service and support. Call, request a demo or quote to find out more about the best steel fabrication machinery. Voortman is the name of our company and we are more powerful than steel.

Advantage-2 uses a series support clamps to ensure that the workpiece is as rigid as possible through the machine. The minimum vibration is the best way to extend carbide tool life.

Cnc Drill Line Calculator

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1 3/8 Drill Line

The CNC Drill Line is able to lay out and drill holes in any steel profile in half the time it takes with a mag drilling machine.

Voortman proudly supports our global clientele with technical support that is available 24 hours a days. Voortman's staff are highly skilled in all aspects of the service industry, including assembly and factory checkout. They have extensive experience with almost all machines. Voortman�s service staff is always there for you, and they have the knowledge to resolve any problems that arise.

Frequently Asked Questions

STRENGTH. Steel is harder than aluminum, despite being more susceptible to corrosion. Although aluminum has a higher strength in colder climates, it is more susceptible to scratches and dents than steel. Steel is less susceptible to warping or bending due to heat, weight, force or heat.

These nodes can connect a beam to a column or a wall. A beam that supports multiple beams is called the main beam. Some of its nodes can be non-supporting. These can be, for example, the nodes on which secondary beams rest.

A box beam made from aluminum or acrylics will last longer than an I-Beam. It is stronger and more solid than an I-Beam.

Concrete beams can be strengthened with steel reinforcement rods. A beam is subject to tension at the bottom and compression at its top. Concrete is strong enough to withstand great compression but very fragile when it experiences tension.

ECC works with a finite field. This means that even though elliptical curvatures are relatively new, the majority of the math required to calculate a discrete logarithm across the field is older. Most of the algorithms used in ECC are minor variations of factoring algorithms.