Cnc Drill Line Rankings

Cnc Lathe Drilling

The Franklin HD145 (3) spindle-cNC drill is 44 inches wide. The HD-145 can lift beams of up to 750 lbs per feet. The high-performance spindle design allows drilling speeds of up to 2000 RPM. The rigid design of the spindle allows for very aggressive feed rates, up to 300 ft per minute. There are many material handling options available for the Franklin HD145, from 300 lbs to 750 pounds per foot.

Voortman's beam drilling line has intelligence beyond its own capabilities. It can also be plugged in to any environment thanks to its modularity. Tandem solutions using band saws robotic coppers and PeddiWriters increase the shop's throughput positioning. This allows the steel industry to be more economically efficient when it cools down, and more aggressive when it heats up. Voortman developed the Multmaster so that even the smallest components could be made into a tandem saw. Fabricators make greater profits by using the full profile and minimising remnant. Get more output Check. As with every Voortman CNC drill, profit would not be possible without material handling. Fabricators lose money every profile that is manually moved. Material handling is also safer than using cranes or fork trucks to transfer the largest profiles.

"..We have drilled around 25,000 holes since purchasing our CNC Drill Line approximately four months ago. It used to take 5 minutes to drill each hole. We now spend approximately. 30 seconds per hole, which is a saving of 1875 man-hours over the course of 4 months. That's $84,375 for our shop! You can see that this machine will pay back in less than one years. This machine not only speeds up our production, but it also opens up the floor for new jobs.

Yes. There are many CNC Drill Lines outside. Weather protection must be provided for the control panel as well as the mobile platform. For photos of many of our outdoor installations, please contact us.

Cnc Drill Line When

Cnc Drill Line When

Since 1950, we have been designing machines and solutions to help you as a steel fabricator. Automation is our response to ever-decreasing labor availability and rising labor cost. We can help you lower production costs and improve your margins. Voortman's CNC Beam Drill line can guarantee the highest productivity, accuracy, reliability and quality. Our CNC Beam Drill Lines include many functions, including drilling, milling and marking as well as countersinking, thread tapping, and other functions to optimize productivity and increase automation. Voortman has a wide range of Beam Drill Lines to suit every production and company.

"..In an attempt to meet customer requirements and increase output, we have built a new beam drill system. The lower labor cost and quicker turnaround times have resulted in us landing high-quality jobs.


Voortman machines are world leaders in structural metal fabrication technology. Voortman machines give steel fabricators an edge in the industry. They have the ability optimize tonnage capacity. Advantage-2 CNC beam drill lines are the foundation of any structural steel fabrication workshop. This machine's core is high-speed, multi-spindle relentless carbide drilling. Advantage-2 is the most profitable steel industry drill line. The drill line's heavy steel frame will ensure that it can support shops for the long-term. Because of the roller feed design on both the infeed and output, the Advantage-2 can run profile end-to-end without stopping production. Each year, hundreds upon hundreds of metal fabricators use their Advantage-2s to produce steel in excess of tens of thousands of tonnes.

MultMaster acts as an extension for the Roller Feed measurement device to perform cuts that otherwise would require manual positioning. This accessory allows for fast material processing using a Voortman drilling and saw tandem system.


Angle Drilling

Material handling allows for the connection of multiple CNC machines. It keeps material flowing through the shop and allows fabricators expand their business. The Advantage-2 highspeed drill line processes 150 tons steel per 40 hour workweek. The ideal drill for small to large fabrication companies all over the world. All stops. Voortman has made the success for the steel industry his number one priority. Because of this, our support and service is unparalleled. Ask for a demonstration, quote, visit, or phone to learn more about some of the most formidable steel fabrication machinery. Voortman has more strength than steel.

Yes. Yes. We have numerous CNC Drill Line installation outside. However, the control panel and the mobile platform must be protected from the elements. Contact us for photos of outside installations.

Cnc Lathe Drilling
Cnc Drill Line Design

Programming the CNC Drill Line is very simple and intuitive even for operators with no CNC or computer experience.

Even if you are programming the CNC Drill Line manually, it is easy to program. Peddimat machine programming software can be used and most operators will learn how to program most of the parts in under an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. It is best to program the machine by importing parts directly from a 3-D modeling program such as ProSteel 3D, StruMis, Tekla Structures, SDS/2 or StruMis. These files are imported directly into your machine. Once you have selected the part, hit the Cycle Start button.


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Cnc Drill Line 2128 Pro

The CNC Drill Line is easy to use and Avenger workers were the ones who laid the floors. There is no need to know anything about computers, and all training is given during the installation.

�..Since purchasing our CNC Drill Line about four months ago, we have drilled approximately 25,000 holes. It used to take us approximately 5 minutes to lay out and drill each hole. Now it takes us approx. 30 seconds per hole � a savings of 1875 man hours in 4 months. In our shop that equals about $84,375! As you can see this machine will pay for itself in less than one year. Not only is it speeding up our production, it is freeing up floor space for additional jobs..�

Frequently Asked Questions

Beam can support strain and pressure, while bars can maintain pressure (intended to take pressure). The Rods/Bars refer to any part that is exposed to the hub (Tensile/Compressive but no Transverse/Torsional load) Loads, as it were.