
Cnc Drill Line Essence

Voortman has developed today's CNC beam standard drill line using tried-and-true technology. Advantage-2 processes 150 ton of steel per workweek with the most efficient drilling/milling, scribing/taping, and countersinking operations.

Project completion times are greatly reduced when you can mill. Combining Advantage-2's user-friendly Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software, the operator can quickly program parts. You can view, modify, export and export parts information right from the 3D platform. Advantage-2 drills have many advantages, including the ability to scribe and mill slots and large lifting holes. This really sets the machine apart. We can use the scribing to create piece marks, layout lines and center points. That flexibility to use it when and how we choose has been amazing.

Voortman has developed Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software. This software takes CNC innovation one step further. Users can program faster and more accurately with Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software. You can inspect, modify and export your part information from within the 3D platform. This combination with Voortman CNC technology ensures maximum capacity for fabricators.

As customers often bring a few pieces of steel with holes or layout marks, we train the operator to use Peddimat.

Zcc Drills

Zcc Drills

Advantage-2 carbide drill line uses automatic tool changing technology, completely electronic ball screw-feed spindle motion, and fully electronic ball screws feed spindle. These combined with Voortman�s outstanding build quality and design make the Advantage-2 carbide drill line an ideal combination of strength and agility.

Z-Reader Probe-- The Z-Reader Probe can be used to locate the surface. It can be used to programmatically or manually. This option is not activated while cutting and is easily retracted. It can be used to verify the surface of each pierce, or to map the entire surface before cutting begins. It starts by initializing or zeroing the device to a surface at the start of a program. After that, it accumulates or tracks any difference.

M Code Cnc List

"..We have installed a new beam-drill line in an effort to satisfy customer needs and increase production. The result has been a reduction in labor costs and faster turnaround times which have consistently helped us land quality job opportunities.

The Advantage-2 carbide drill line utilizes automatic tool changing technology and completely electronic ball screw feed spindle motion. This combined with Voortman' renowned build quality and mechanical design provide the ultimate combination of agility and strength.

M Code Cnc List

Cnc Drill Line Cutter

�.. Although this machine is marketed for the Structural fabricators, I knew immediately it would work well for drilling truck frames. The accuracy & repeatability have ensured the assembly without error. The Avenger drills a set of channels for one truck in less than one 2 hours; when we did this manually, it would take 16 hours. This machine has increased our productivity & profitability hands down!..�

AC Unit on Electrical Cabinet. - The unit can be mounted on the cabinet�s High power (480v), side. It is in close proximity to the location that the drives are located. This option maintains the cabinet temperature and speeds up heat dissipation. All axes' servo drives are the major contributors to heat within the electrical cabinets.

Cnc Drill Line Essence
Wide Range

The CNC Drill Line operates very easily, and the majority of Avenger operator were the ones doing floor layouts. The installation requires no prior computer knowledge. All training is provided during the process.

Even for those with little or no computer or CNC experience, programming the CNC Drill Line is easy and intuitive.

M Code Cnc List

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Drilling Cycles

The CNC Drill Line is a 100% hydraulic machine making maintenance and parts exceptionally affordable. The CNC Drill Line was designed specifically to be used throughout the world and thus uses only components from major manufacturers, most of which can be sourced in the local market. Voortman keeps all parts on hand for next day delivery in the USA. In most of our overseas countries we offer local service and support.

This range can ensure optimal productivity and excellent product outcomes. They perform outstanding functions like drilling, milling, marking, countersinking and thread tapping. All of these functions are designed to simplify your work processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Design Bond Stress (tbd) = 1.28 N/mm2 for M20 (for deformed bars, IS: 456-200) calculation for Ld. In general, the field of quick practice calculates the development length requirement by either '41 times O or '41O'. 41 is the factor calculated with the above formula and O is the dia for the bar.

As a minimum beam diameter, all structural engineers recommend a 12mm dia bar.

How big a beam should span 24 feet? A 4 nailed 2x18, 4-2x18, or 8x18 wood beam will allow you to span 24ft. For a span of 24 feet, you'll need at least 4-2x18 or 8x18 wood beams.

ECDSA is more secure than RSA due to its complexity. ECDSA offers the same level security as RSA, but with a shorter key length.

Consider the same-weight sections and same material beams. This means that all cross sections are equal for axial load purposes.