Cnc Drill Line 08

Cnc Drill Line Grinder

CNC Drill Line is made for fabricators and other job shops that drill holes in various types of steel profiles. You can determine if this machine meets your needs by answering the following questions.

For 50 years we have been developing machines and solutions for you as a steel fabricator. We focus on automation as a response to the ever-decreasing ability to find quality labor and rising labor costs, so you can lower your overall production costs and increase your margins.You can ensure the utmost productivity, accuracy and reliability with one of Voortman�s CNC Beam Drill lines. Our CNC Beam Drill Lines integrate many functions like drilling, milling, marking, countersinking, thread-tapping and more to increase capacity and automation and optimize your workflow. Due to Voortman's complete range of advanced Beam Drill Lines, there is a suitable Beam Drill Line solution for every type of production or company.

Cnc Drill Line Grinder

Voortman inside technicians are often able to resolve any problem remotely. Voortman technicians can access your machine via an internet connection. Voortman equipment has a powerful Windows(r-based Siemens control which allows this capability and offers superior diagnostics through Windows(r).

When the Voortman service technician has finished installing and calibrating your machine he will spend time with your operators taking them through our simple yet thorough training program. Your operators will receive training in:

Cnc Drill Extension

Cnc Drill Extension

We have seen more than 1000 CNC Drill Lines, and angle lines installed all over the world. We found that the average operator can program a machine in half the time, even if they have never programmed one before.

Voortman�s CNC Beam Drill Lines often come in combination with a Drill Saw Line or larger fully automated integrated production line, commonly referred to as Multi System Integration. You can find out more information about it here!

Cnc Drill Line Mean

Voortman-designed beam drilling lines have intelligence not only in their own capabilities but also in the fact that they can be plugged into any environment because of their modularity. Tandem solutions, such as band saws with robotic coppers or PeddiWriters, expand the shop�s throughput positioning. It allows for a more cost-effective approach when the steel sector cools down and a more aggressive one when it heats. Voortman invented the Multmaster, which can be used to advance small parts into a tandem-bandsaw. Fabricators are more profitable when they use the whole profile and minimize the remnant. Do you want more output? Check. Material handling is key to any Voortman CNC drill-line profit. Fabricators not only lose money when a profile is manually moved but material handling is far safer than using fork trucks and cranes to move the largest profiles.

The UNIST MQL Coolant System has emerged as the leading coolant system in the USA over the past 10 years. It has been standard equipment for the Aveger FORTY (Plus), Avenger PLUS (Plus) and Clipper. This minimal quantity lubricant is an oil-based coolant that prolongs tool life. It is not toxic.

Cnc Drill Line Mean

Cnc Drills Line Indexable

The CNC Drill Line can import DXF files and can use them to process 3-D shapes as long as the steel is detailed according to specific rules. Some of these rules might be different to the way you are detailing at the moment and might require some adjustment. This process is not nearly as seamless as the 3-D modeling software solutions above.

The CNC Drill Line is built exclusively for GSS Machinery by Voortman. Voortman handles the installation, warranty and service work on the CNC Drill Line. And while Voortman is the service provider, GSS Machinery is always there to get involved should the need arise.


Voortman technicians will complete the installation and calibration of your machine. After that, he'll spend time with operators and guide them through our comprehensive training program. Training will be given to your operators in:

Voortman machinery is the worldwide leader in structural steel fabrication technology. Voortman machines provide steel fabricators with an advantage in the steel sector and allow them to maximize tonnage. Advantage-2 CNC beam drill is the core of any structural-steel fabrication shop. This machine is the heart of it all. It can drill endless carbide holes at high speeds, with multiple spindles, and at high speed. Advantage-2 is the most productive drill line in the steel sector. This drill line supports shops over the long term thanks to its heavy steel frame. The Advantage-2 is able to run profiles from one end to the other without any stops in production thanks to its roller feed design for the outfeed and infeed. Many fabricators around the globe use their Advantage-2s every year to make hundreds of thousands of tons steel.

Cnc Drill Line Mean

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Cnc Drill Line In Word

Voortman machine are the leaders in structural steel fabricating technology. Voortman machines ensure steel fabricators have an advantage in the steel industry. They also optimize tonnage. Advantage-2 CNC beam drilling line is the backbone for any structural steel fabrication shop. This machine is built on a multi-spindle, high-speed, relentless carbide drilling. Advantage-2 is one the most profitable drill lines available in the steel business. This drill line has a heavy steel frame that will provide support for shops for the long-term. The Advantage-2 can run profiles without stopping production because of its roller feed design. An estimated Hundreds of global fabricators run hundreds to thousands of tons of steel through the Advantage-2s each year.

The intelligence of a Voortman designed beam drill line is not only in its own capabilities but in its ability to be plugged into any environment through its modularity. Tandem solutions with band saws, robotic coppers and PeddiWriters further expand the shop's throughput positioning for a more economic approach when the steel industry cools down and a more aggressive approach when it heats back up. Voortman designed the Multmaster to help advance even the smallest parts into a tandem bandsaw. Utilizing the whole profile and minimizing the remnant leads fabricators toward better profits. More output? Check. As with any Voortman CNC drill line profit wouldn't be possible without material handling. Not only do fabricators lose money every time a profile is manually moved, but material handling is much safer for transferring the heaviest profiles when compared to fork trucks or cranes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Use a slow speed to drill. The slower a bit spins the more hot it becomes. And heat dulls bits quickly. It is a good idea for drill bits to be used at a slow speed when drilling through metal. Drill bits for hard metals such as steel and larger diameters require slower speeds.

This can be avoided by using a well-designed concrete beam or increasing concrete's compression strength by adding steel reinforcement to the compression side or by increasing the beam geometry.

The dimensions of the steel bars required for beam and column are determined by the design structure, load on it, and span between two supports. For beam and column, the size of steel bars is generally 12mm to 25mm.

To resist and redistribute load, beams should bend. The girders on the other side are more rigid as they support the beams and provide horizontal support to the structure. The girder is designed to support large, all-encompassing loads like beam responses or structural pillars.

C-beam has lower strength tolerances than the I beam, which leads to lighter components. Continue reading if you have never used C-beam profiles.